Parlament: Versammlungshaus: Versammlungshaus (House of Assembly bzw. Bermuda House of Assembly) im Sitzungshaus (Sessions House) in Hamilton-Stadt (City of Hamilton/City of Hamilton, „tahn“ bzw. „tawn“) –
Wahlkreise: 36 Wahlkreise (constituencies): Wahlkreis 1 [Constituency 1 (St. George’s North)]; Wahlkreis 2 [Constituency 2 (St. George’s West)]; Wahlkreis 3 [Constituency 3 (St. David’s)]; Wahlkreis 4 [Constituency 4 (St. George’s South)]; Wahlkreis 5 [Constituency 5 (Hamilton East)]; Wahlkreis 6 [Constituency 6 (Hamilton West)]; Wahlkreis 7 [Constituency 7 (Hamilton South)]; Wahlkreis 8 [Constituency 8 (Smiths South)]; Wahlkreis 9 [Constituency 9 (Smiths West)]; Wahlkreis 10 [Constituency 10 (Smiths North)]; Wahlkreis 11 [Constituency 11 (Devonshire East)]; Wahlkreis 12 [Constituency 12 (Devonshire South Central)]; Wahlkreis 13 [Constituency 13 (Devonshire North Central)]; Wahlkreis 14 [Constituency 14 (Devonshire North West)]; Wahlkreis 15 [Constituency 15 (Pembroke East); Wahlkreis 16 [Constituency 16 (Pembroke East Central)]; Wahlkreis 17 [Constituency 17 (Pembroke Central)]; Wahlkreis 18 [Constituency 18 (Pembroke West Central)]; Wahlkreis 19 [Constituency 19 (Pembroke West)]; Wahlkreis 20 [Constituency 20 (Pembroke South West)]; Wahlkreis 21 [Constituency 21 (Pembroke South East)]; Wahlkreis 22 [Constituency 22 (Paget East)]; Wahlkreis 23 [Constituency 23 (Paget West)]; Wahlkreis 24 [Constituency 24 (Warwick South East)]; Wahlkreis 25 [Constituency 25 (Warwick North East)]; Wahlkreis 26 [Constituency 26 (Warwick South Central)]; Wahlkreis 27 [Constituency 27 (Warwick North Central)]; Wahlkreis 28 [Constituency 28 (Warwick West)]; Wahlkreis 29 [Constituency 29 (Southampton East)]; Wahlkreis 30 [Constituency 30 (Southampton East Central)]; Wahlkreis 31 [Constituency 31 (Southampton West Central)]; Wahlkreis 32 [Constituency 32 (Southampton West)]; Wahlkreis 33 [Constituency 33 (Sandys South)]; Wahlkreis 34 [Constituency 34 (Sandys South Central)]; Wahlkreis 35 [Constituency 35 (Sandys North Central)]; Wahlkreis 36 [Constituency 36 (Southampton West)][1] –
Zusammensetzung: 36 Mandate: pro Wahlbezirk je 1 Parlamentsmitglied [members of Parliament (MP)][2] –
Legislaturperiode: Wahl alle 5 Jahre[3]
[1] Bermuda 2012: Parliament Constituencies, The Boundaries Commission, Government of Bermuda 2017, (aufgerufen am 2017-07-25) und Distribution and Deviation of Qualified Voters by Constituency (S. 12), Schedule, Report of the Constituency Boundaries Commission for Bermuda appointed on 4th of June 2009, Government of Bermuda 2010, (aufgerufen am 2017-07-25)
[2] Members of Parliament, House of Assembly, About Parliament, Bermuda Parliament o. J., (aufgerufen am 2017-07-25) und The House of Assembly, The Legislature, Government of Bermuda 2017, (aufgerufen am 2017-07-25)
[3] Members of Parliament, Bermuda Parliament o. J., (aufgerufen am 2014-01-16) und Contact Information, Bermuda Parliament o. J., (aufgerufen am 2014-11-18) und Elections held under the Constitution of 1968, Bermuda Parliament o. J., (aufgerufen am 2014-01-16)
- Bild: Sitzungshaus auf Bermuda: Bermuda Tourism Authority (BTA) | All Rights Reserved
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