Einzige Siedlungen

Einzige Siedlungen: Wohngebiete bzw. Nachbarschaften (neighborhoods) auf dem Militärstützpunkt: u. a. Caravella Point, Caribbean Circle, Deer Point, Evans Point, Iguana Terrace, Marina Point, Marine Site, Mobile Point, Nob Hill, Paola Point, Radio Point, Villamar, West Bargo und West Iguana[1]



[1] Navy Owned or Leased Housing, Housing for Families, Housing and Lodging, Fleet and Family Rediness, Naval Stantion Guantanamo Bay, Command, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) o. J., https://www.cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnrse/installations/ns_guantanamo_bay/ffr/housing_and_lodging/housing_for_families/navy_owned_or_leased_housing.html (aufgerufen am 2019-09-04)

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