Parlament: Senat

Parlament: Senat: Senat (Senate/Guma’ Senadot/Senadoot) –

Wahlkreise: 3 Wahlkreise (senatorial districts): Rota; Saipan und Nordinseln (Saipan and Northern Islands); Tinian und Aguiguan (Tinian and Aguiguan) –

Zusammensetzung: 9 Mandate: 9 gewählte Senatoren (senators/Senadot Siha/Senadoot): je 3 pro Wahlkreis[1]

Legislaturperiode: Wahl alle 2 Jahre[2]


[1] Members of the Senate, 20th Commonwealth Legislature, Northern Marianas Commonwealth Legislature o. J., (aufgerufen am 2017-08-02) und Senate, Certified Election Results, 2016 Mid-Term Election Results, Commonwealth Election Commission (CEC), Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 2017, (aufgerufen am 2017-08-02)

[2] Certified Election Results, 2016 Mid-Term Election Results, Commonwealth Election Commission (CEC), Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 2017, (aufgerufen am 2017-08-02) und Certified Election Results, 2014 General Election Results, Commonwealth Election Commission (CEC), Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands o. J., (aufgerufen am 2017-08-02)

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