Politischer Status quo

Politischer Status quo: 1948 Nicht-selbstverwaltendes Territorium von Neuseeland 🇳🇿 (non-self-governing territory of New Zealand/Kolone I lalo o te tauhiga a Niu Sila)[1]



[1] Tokelau! Polynesia’s North…, About Us, On-Going Government of Tokelau o. J., http://tokelau.org.nz/ (aufgerufen am 2014-04-22) und New Zealand and Tokelau, Tokelau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)/Te Manatū Aorere Aotearoa 2014-03-14, http://www.mfat.govt.nz/Foreign-Relations/Pacific/Tokelau/index.php (aufgerufen am 2014-04-22)

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