Hymne: Jahr der Einführung: k. Ang., inoffiziell – Bezeichnung und Titel: Hymne von Alderney (Alderney Anthem) – Texter und Komponist: Pastor (Reverend) Arthur MIGNOT – Sprache: Englisch (eng) – Arrangement für den Alderney Voices Community Choir: Lydia Jane PUGH – Anzahl der Strophen: 3 Strophen – Liedtext: (s. u.) – Notenblatt: k. Ang., Copyright © bei Eileen MIGNOT, der Witwe vom verstorbenen Pastor (Reverend) Arthur MIGNOT[1]
Alderney Anthem
1. I have wandered the world and I’ve seen many places
I have met many folk as I’ve travelled around.
But I come back again to your loving embraces,
True contentment and peace in your presence I’ve found.
On your cliff tops and waysides spring lovely wild flowers,
With your valleys so green and your silvery sand,
Sky and sea change their hue in the sunshine and showers.
This is home! What a life in this beautiful land.
Alderney. Alderney. You’re precious to me!
I long to walk on your island shore.
Alderney, Alderney. The jewel of the sea!
I’m coming back to be with you once more.
2. Morning mists, midday heat, all your moods ever changing,
We enjoy every day for contentment is sweet.
Ad we meet friendly folk, smiles and welcomes exchanging
As we gather and chatter in shop or in street.
3. From storms and gales our harbour’s a haven,
The boats anchored there find the shelter they need.
So the length of the breakwater’s really worth saving
For the people who live here, a lifeline indeed
So precious to me. My jewel in the sea.
I long to walk your shore
Oh Alderney, Alderney, my sweet Alderney!
I am back to be with you once more.
I am back to be with you once more.
[1] TATTON, Jennifer; Island Secretary bei der Alderney Island Games Association, persönliche Kommunikation (E-Mail erhalten am 2017-12-02, s. Quellenverzeichnis der persönlichen Kommunikation) und Death of minister who was ‚part of Alderney’s history‘, News, Guernsey Press 2019-02-04, https://guernseypress.com/news/2019/02/04/death-of-minister-who-was-part-of-alderneys-history/ (aufgerufen am 2022-05-29)
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