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 RE: Norwegian outlying territories


 Fri, 18 Jul 2014 11:58:51 +0200


 Gunn Sissel Jaklin <jaklin@npolar.no>


 Sebastian Becker <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>

Kopie (CC):

 Postmottak Norsk Polarinstitutt <post@npolar.no>, Stig Mathisen <Stig.Mathisen@npolar.no>


Dear Mr. Becker, 

Thank you for your interest. I will answer the questions relevant to the competence of the Norwegian Polar Institute below.

You have sent your request to a number of people at the NPI – please correspond only with me should you have further inquiries.

Our website www.npolar.no will give further information. 

Bouvet Island
The station is a field station which is manned when we have scientists there. Norwegian scientists have regular field stays on Bouvetøya to study foraging strategies and distribution of fur seals and penguins. The monitoring is part of the international programme CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring System (CEMP) for the Antarctic marine ecosystem and has high priority within Norwegian Antarctic research. There is no telephone number etc, nor post code. All mail is addressed via the NPI, and there is no Norwegian representative on the island. There are normally no other people at the island than the occasional visit of the scientists and their crew. 


Jan Mayen
Please address enquiries about Jan Mayen to the Governor of Nordland county in mainland Norway, who is responsible for the island.  


Dronning Maud Land (Queen Maud Land)
All mail is addressed to the NPI and there is no post code. Every year, the Institute will recruit six persons who will spent the winter at our Troll station. We call them „overwinterers“ (overvintrere). Dronning Maud Land is a Norwegian claim in the Antarctic and does not have a separate administration of flag. The Norwegian Polar Institute is the official environmental management body for Norway’s Antarctic territorial claims. Dronning Maud Land was annexed by Norway 14 January 1939. There was some attention around the 75th anniversary in January this year, but the date is not normally celebrated.  


Peter I Øy
There is no particular web site for this island. There is some information if you search www.polar.no . The island was annexed in 1929 and was formally declared a Norwegian territorial claim in 1931. It is a volcanic island which mainly consists of basalt. The highest point is the Lars Christensen Summit, 1640 masl. About 95% of the island is ice-covered, and the coastline consists of ice which is more than 40 m high or steep mountain sides going straight into the sea. Seals are abundant on the island.


Please see http://www.sysselmannen.no/en or contact the Governor of Svalbard, who is the main authority for the Svalbard Archipelago. Svalbard is part of Norway and does not have its own flag or anthem. There is a local council for the main town, Longyearbyen, see http://www.lokalstyre.no/. The Svalbard Treaty gives Svalbard a special status (low taxation, foreign citizens may live and work here without having a permit to do so on mainland Norway etc.). However, the local council is much like a municipal administration on mainland Norway. It consists of representatives from different political parties, democratically elected by the inhabitants of Longyearbyen.


Norsk Polarinstitutt
The Norwegian Polar Institute is Norway’s central government agency for scientific research, mapping and environmental monitoring in the Arctic and the Antarctic. The Institute advises Norwegian authorities on matters concerning polar environmental management and is the official environmental management body for Norway’s Antarctic territorial claims. This means that we are the authority when it comes to Norwegian claims in Antarctica and Bouvet Island, but as far as Svalbard is concerned, we give advice to the authorities (Norwegian government/ministries, the Governor of Svalbard, other governmental agencies). We have employees who are more involved in/responsible for Antarctica than others, but the subdivision of the institute refers to overall tasks and responsibilities rather than geographical ones.


Best wishes,
Gunn Sissel Jaklin  


G.S. Jaklin
Kommunikasjonsdirektør/Communications director
Norsk Polarinstitutt/Norwegian Polar Institute
Framsenteret/Fram Centre
NO-9296 Tromsø

Mobil/mobile 00 47 95104045

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