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 Re: Inquiry/Economy/Business and Industry/sebastianbecker@freenet.de [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


 Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:39:26 +1100


 Ahmet Babutsali <ahmet.babutsali@abs.gov.au>




Dear Sebastian,

Thank you for your recent enquiry to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

The information you have requested is not available from the ABS.

The „Topics @ a Glance“ page on the ABS website www.abs.gov.au provides access to information on a range of ABS topics, and this includes links to „Other Related Sources of Information“ that may assist you with your enquiry.

Alternatively, you may wish to try searching another government website, www.directory.gov.au, which contains contact details for various government organisations, and you may be able to locate off this website an alternative organisation that has information relating to your enquiry.

I am sorry that I am unable to assist further with this particular enquiry. If you have any further enquiries or require immediate assistance, please call us on 1300 135 070 from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday, Australia wide, or on +61 2 9268 4909 when calling from overseas.

Should you wish to respond to this email please do so by creating a new enquiry on the Contact Us page on the ABS website. Overseas clients or clients with difficulty accessing a telephone may also complete another enquiry form on the website.

Kind regards,

Ahmet Babutsali

Information Officer
National Information and Referral Service | Client Services Branch | Australian Bureau of Statistics
(P) 1300 135 070  (W) www.abs.gov.au


 RE: FW: Feedback: Wake Atoll


 Thu, 20 Feb 2014 18:31:25 +0000


 BAKER, TOMMIE W GS-11 USAF ALCOM JTF AK ALCOM/J08 <tommie.baker@us.af.mil>


 Sebastian Becker <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>


Classification: Unclassified Caveats:

None Sir,  You are correct in your assessment that the information I am unable to provide is not classified. However, the release of Personally Identifiable Information covers information about an individual that identifies, links, relates, or is unique to, or describes him or her.   

In regard to the articles you found, the numbers for the „residents“ of Wake have not changed. Both the news article and the ROD for OT12D reference the 611th Air Support Group as having administrative oversight for the islands. That changed last year when the 611 ASG was renamed the Pacific Regional Support Center. 

Regarding your query as to the WQ coding of Wake Island, that is not the postal code. The postal code to send to Wake Island remains HI (Hawaii). The WQ was the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Information_Processing_Standard.

On September 2, 2008, FIPS 10-4 was one of ten standards withdrawn by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a Federal Information Processing Standard. It was replaced in the U.S. Government by the Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC), which is based on ISO 3166: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_FIPS_country_codes.  



Chief of Community Relations Alaskan Command Public Affairs
Comm: 907-552-7587
DSN: 317-552-7587
Mobile: 907-351-2790


 RE: FW: Feedback: Wake Atoll


 Fri, 7 Mar 2014 00:26:54 +0000


 BAKER, TOMMIE W GS-11 USAF ALCOM JTF AK ALCOM/J08 <tommie.baker@us.af.mil>


 Sebastian Becker <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>


Classification: Unclassified

Caveats: None



I apologize for the delay. I did not readily have available a biography for the Wake Island commander.

Please find attached said biography.

Thank you for your interest in our unit.






Chief of Community Relations
Alaskan Command Public Affairs
Comm: 907-552-7587
DSN: 317-552-7587
Mobile: 907-351-2790


 RE: Bernheim: Promotion des langues kanak


 Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:44:38 +1100


 Margueritte Baret <m.baret@bernheim.nc>

Antwort an:



 Bibliothèque Bernheim


 ‚Sebastian Becker‘ <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>


Bonjour M. Becker,

Désolée pour la réponse tardive mais j’étais en congé.

Donc pour répondre à vos questions. La bibliothèque ne travaille pas spécifiquement à la préservation des langues kanak. Cette mission est assurée par L’Agence des Langues Kanak qui a été créé en 2007 et dont la mission est de “ fixer les règles d’usage et de concourir à la promotion et au développement de l’ensemble des langues et dialectes kanak“.

Vous trouverez toutes les informations relatives à cet établissement sur le site de l’ALK www.alk.nc.

J’espère avoir répondu à vos interrogations.


Bien cordialement

Marguerite Baret


 RE: Norfolk Island


 Mon, 1 Aug 2016 15:41:35 +1100


 Allen Bataille <ikey@admin.gov.nf>




Dear Mr Becker,

Your email has been referred to this office in respect of the motor vehicle issues of drivers licenses and license plates and the following is provided –

  1. Drivers licenses – Norfolk Island has its own Traffic Act 2010 which provides for the issue of Norfolk Island Drivers licenses and for the registration of motor vehicles. They are a recognised licence in Australia and the same category of licence is issued for the various classes of licence. The Norfolk Island Coat of Arms is endorsed on the licence and attached is a copy of a Norfolk Island licence which also includes a photo of the licence holder. This office is the issuing authority for such licenses.
  2. Norfolk Island has its own number plates issued with black numbering on a yellow background. For motor cycles and trailers there is a “C” prefix on the plate. The numbers are issued consecutively although they are now able to reissue a number that has been cancelled or returned for various reasons. A copy of a number plate is attached for information.  Again we are the issuing authority for such number plates.

In respect of the queries concerning the issue of passports and documents of identification this has been forwarded to the Office of the Administrator who is the Australian Commonwealth Office on the island who is responsible for the issue of such documentation.

I trust the above is of assistance


Yours faithfully,

Allen Bataille

Registrar of Motor Vehicles
Norfolk Island


 RE: Norfolk Island flags


 Mon, 5 Nov 2018 02:25:48 +0000


 Allen Bataille <allen.bataille@nirc.gov.nf>


 mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com <mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com>

Kopie (CC):  

 Mayor <mayor@nirc.gov.nf>, Susan Prior <susan.prior@nirc.gov.nf>


Good afternoon Sebastian,

Your email has been referred to me for a response.

In respect of the use of the Norfolk Island flag it is advised that the flag is used as a state flag and under the Norfolk Island Flag and Public Seal Act 1979(NI) the Minister may authorise the use of the use of the flag by an authorised person,  body or instrument.

As there is no merchant fleet owned by the Norfolk Island Council there is no ensign flown in that capacity. In respect of available online authorities this is available at www.norfolkisland.gov.nf under policy and governance where you will find the Commonwealth legislation which includes the Act referred to above.

I trust that this information is of assistance


Kind regards

Allen Bataille


Norfolk Island


 RE: Norfolk Island flags


 Tue, 6 Nov 2018 21:38:27 +0000


 Allen Bataille <allen.bataille@nirc.gov.nf>


 Sebastian Becker <mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com>


Hi Sebastian,

With respect to the use of the flag it can be used by the residents as a civil flag.

The designer of the flag was Duncan McIntyre who resided on the island at the time and who was also a member of the then Norfolk Island Government.

There is no Norf’k or English name for the flag.

Below is a description of the Norfolk Island flag which is set out in schedule 1 of the Norfolk Island Flag and Public Seal Act 1979.  


         SCHEDULE 1                                                Section 3


  1. The sides of the flag shall be in the ratio of 1 to 2, the side of the flag next the staff being the shorter.
  2. The flag shall be divided vertically into 3 panels the widths of which shall be in the ratios of 7 to 23, 9 to 23 and 7 to 23, respectively, of the length of the flag.
  3. The middle panel, that is to say, the panel having the width in the ratio of 9 to 23 of the length of the flag, shall be in white and the other two panels shall be in green.
  4. The middle panel shall contain a representation in green of a Norfolk Island Pine.


In the foregoing reproduction of the Norfolk Island Flag, the green of the outer panels and of the Norfolk Island Pine is the colour commonly known to printers as Pantone Matching System number 356 (PMS 356).


Kind regards



 Promotion of Norf’k


 Tue, 16 Jul 2013 13:50:54 +1130


 Nicky & Wally Beadman <nicnwal@norfolk.nf>


 ‚Sebastian Becker‘ <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>


Dear Sebastian,

Your email has been passed onto me because I supervise Norf’k Language classes conducted at the Norfolk Island Central School. I will try to answer some of your questions.

The Norf’k Language is taught at the school. From Kindergarten to Year 6, students receive one hour of instruction in Norfolk Studies (language and culture) per week from a native speaker. In the high school, Norf’k is the Language Other Than English (LOTE) subject taught to Year 7 and Year 8 students. This is a subject that is compulsory for students in these grades to take for at least 100 hours. Community members conduct the lessons and trained teachers like myself supervise.

Norf’k has been taught at NICS for over ten years, but I am not exactly sure when it commenced being taught. The first teacher of Norf’k Language at the school is Mrs Gaye Evans, who is Clerk of the Court in our Administration.

There is no Cultural Officer in our Administration (public service), however, the Minister for Culture in our current government is Ms Robin Adams and she is very keen to promote the language and culture. The website for the government is http://www.gov.nf/ or http://www.info.gov.nf/

There is a Council of Elders and they have a representative who is part of a community group which is currently trying to develop a Strategic Plan for the Norfolk Island Culture. Unfortunately this is not yet complete.

Norfolk Island has a Community Arts Society who promote Norfolk Island culture across the broad spectrum of poetry, dance, costume, art, sculpture and music. They facilitate the formation of a representative group to participate in the Pacific Arts Festivals that are held in different destinations every few years.

The Norfolk Island Tourism Board is responsible for promoting Norfolk Island as a tourist destination. Their website is: www.norfolkisland.com.au/

Other websites that might be of interest are: www.ni.net.nf ; www.norfolkonlinenews.com ; www.itravelnorfolk.com

Professor Peter Mulhausler of the University of Adelaide has been working with members of the Norfolk Island community for many years documenting linguistic patterns and exploring origins of words. He has published several books and many papers on the subject.

The text we use at school is Alice Inez Buffett’s ‘Speak Norfolk Today: An Encyclopedia of the Norfolk Island Language’. Her niece, Rachel Nebauer, has also written a beautiful story book in the Norf’k Language called ‘Stidaun Short Letl’ which is full of invaluable cultural references. Archie Bigg is the unofficial poet laureate of Norfolk Island and he has written a number of poetry books in English and Norf’k.

I am afraid I am not at liberty to provide you with other email addresses but I hope this information has been helpful.


Kind regards

Nicola Beadman


 Envoi d’un message : CIMG3560.jpg, CIMG3558.jpg, CIMG3559.jpg


 Mon, 7 Nov 2016 18:01:46 +0500




 ‚Sebastian Becker‘ <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>

Kopie (CC): 

 ‚Disker‘ <disker@ker-taaf.fr>


Bonsoir M BECKER,

comme demandé voila des photos du seul véhicule présent à KERGUELEN avec les identifiants territorial sur les plaques.

En espérant que ces photos comblent vos attentes.





Chef Garage Mission 67
District de Kerguelen


bureau 02 62 00 40 52
travée 02 62 00 41 99

Von:  Linda Benjamin <linda.benjamin@sainthelena.gov.sh>Datum:  25. November 2020 um 09:41:01 MEZ
An:  mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com
Betreff:  Flag information


Dear Sebastian,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 23 November 2020 which has been passed to me for a response.  This is to let you know that the national flag of the Territories is the Union Jack and then each territory has their own flag.   The St Helena flag is a blue ensign with the Union Jack in the upper hoist-side quadrant and the shield from the coat of arms of Saint Helena centred on the outer half of the flag.   Normally the St Helena flag is used on national days and for special events.   The Union Jack is flown daily above  the Castle and at the Court House.

For information on Ascension and Tristan da Cunha flags, grateful if you could contact the Administrators respectively as follows:

sean.burns@ascension.gov.ac and administrator@tristanisland.co.za




Linda Benjamin

Information & Research Support Officer
Corporate Support
Corporate Services
Tel No  + (290) 22470
Fax:     + (290) 22598
E-Mail: linda.benjamin@sainthelena.gov.sh

The Castle, Jamestown, St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean STHL 1ZZ

Website: www.sainthelena.gov.sh


 RE: Falkland Islands anthem


 Mon, 14 Jan 2019 16:49:51 +0000


 Michael Betts <deputyrep@falklands.gov.fk>


 mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com <mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com>


Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for your email.  You can find our national anthem in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1oSbHJXZtQ.  I have also attached the sheet music.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.





Michael Betts | Assistant Representative
Address: Falkland Islands Government Office, 14 Broadway, Westminster, London  SW1H 0BH
Tel: 020 7222 2542 | Fax: 020 7222 2375 | E-mail: deputyrep@falklands.gov.fk


For general information regarding the Falkland Islands visit; www.falklands.gov.fk, for tourist  information visit; www.falklandislands.com, and for economic and business development information visit; www.fidc.co.fk.


 Re: WG: „New Englishes“


 Mon, 17 Aug 2015 15:42:39 +0200


 Carolin Biewer <cbiewer@uni-bonn.de>




Sehr geehrter Herr Becker,

vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse am Englischen in der Südsee und an meiner Forschung. Ich bin zz. in Bonn tätig und habe daher Ihre Email etwas verspätet erhalten, tut mir also leid, dass ich erst jetz antworten kann.

Zu Guam, Puerto Rico und den Marianen kann ich nichts sagen, da ich darüber nicht arbeite.
In Fidschi hat sich das fidschianische Englisch als eigenständige Varietät bereits weitgehend etabliert, das Samoanische English und das Cook Islands English sind gerade dabei als eigenständige Varietät zu entstehen, d.h. dass das Englisch dort in der Tat in vielerlei Hinsicht anders gesprochen wird als z.B. das britische Englisch (Unterschiede in Grammatik, Aussprache, Wortwahl), aber es dauert dann immernoch ein Weile, bis ein lokales Englisch auch von allen Teilen der Bevölkerung als eingenständige Varietät und Teil der lokalen Identität akzeptiert wird und nicht als „broken English“ und als Ansammlung von Fehlern gewertet wird.
In dieser spannenden Phase befinden sich gerade Samoa und die Cook-Inseln, da die jüngere Bevölkerung sich so langsam mit dem lokalen Englisch zu identifizieren beginnt.
Zu Tokelau und Niue gibt es noch keine Studien, das müsste man sich vor Ort mal anschauen, was für einen Stellenwert das Englische in der Gesellschaft hat und ob es bereits eine lokale Färbung hat.

Meine Studien beziehen sich auf Samoa und nicht auf American Samoa. Ich gehe davon aus, dass das Englische im American Samoa anders klingt, da es noch stärker vom amerikanischen Englisch beeinflusst ist; auch sind die beiden Inselgruppen mittlerweile kulturell und ökonomisch leider ziemlich getrennt voneinander, und es besteht nicht so ein großer Austausch zwischen den Völkern wie man meinen möchte, da Samoaner ein Visum brauchen, um nach American Samoa einzureisen, so dass sich die Dialekte automatisch nicht gleich entwickeln können.

Ich hoffe, dass beantwortet Ihre Fragen zumindest teilweise. Schön, dass Sie sich für diesen Teil der Welt interessieren.


Mit den besten Grüßen,
Carolin Biewer

Linguistin der Universität Bonn


 Re: Settlements on Christmas Island


 Sat, 19 Apr 2014 11:37:40 +0700


 Christmas Island Tourism Association <cita@christmas.net.au>


 Sebastian Becker <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>

Hi Sebastian,

There is no particular song that is an anthem for Christmas Island and Territory Day would probably be considered the national day.




 RE: Drapeau et hymne de la Guadeloupe


 Mon, 2 Sep 2013 17:19:23 -0400


 Steeve Bistoquet <steeve.bistoquet@crosguadeloupe.org>


 ‚CROS de la Guadeloupe‘ <contact@crosguadeloupe.org>

Kopie (CC):



Le drapeau utilisé par le Comité Régional Olympique et Sportif de la Guadeloupe est celui-ci


Cependant pour les compétitions internationales les sélections de Guadeloupe sont contraintes d’arborer les couleurs du drapeau français.

Ce drapeau n’est donc reconnu qu’en complément du drapeau français.

Il existe cependant un autre drapeau plus souvent utilisé dans le commerce.

Celui-ci a une résonnance plus indépendantiste même si son utilisation est plutôt perçu comme un souhait d’émancipation.


de même en Martinique nous aurons également 2 drapeaux assujettis aux mêmes interprétations :




Comité Régional Olympique et Sportif (CROS) de la Guadeloupe


 RE: Promotion du créole guadeloupéen


 Tue, 23 Jan 2018 14:28:59 +0000


 BLONDEAU, Catherine <Catherine.BLONDEAU@cg971.fr>


 ‚Sebastian Becker‘ <mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com>


Bonjour Monsieur Becker,

Au sein de la Direction des affaires culturelles et du patrimoine, existe le Service Valorisation du patrimoine immatériel qui fait suite au Bureau de la promotion et de la valorisation de la langue et de la culture créoles. Il n’existe ni  drapeau, ni logo ou autre représentativité de ce service.

Le nom de ce service n’a pas été traduit en créole guadeloupéen. Il n’existe pas d’autres institutions oeuvrant pour la promotion du créole guadeloupéen, hormis le conseil régional qui mène certaines actions.

Espérant avoir répondu à vos attentes, recevez ici mes salutations culturelles.


Catherine BLONDEAU


Direction des affaires culturelles et du patrimoine
Responsable du Pôle des politiques culturelles
Habitation Beausoleil
Tél : 05 90 99 79 25 / 06 90 31 83 87
Fax : 05 90 99 79 34 / 05 90 99 79 35


 RE: [SPAM] Caymanian Creole (English)


 Fri, 31 May 2013 14:46:37 +0000


 Bodden, Tricia (Archive) <Tricia.Bodden@gov.ky>


 sebastianbecker@freenet.de <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>

Kopie (CC):

 Lawrence, Kimlon <Kimlon.Lawrence@gov.ky>, Mascarenhas, Carol



From: Cayman Islands National Archive (CINA)

File reference: ARC/RES/3

To: Sebastian Becker, Germany


Dear Mr. Becker,

Thank you for contacting the Cayman Islands National Achive (CINA) inquirying about who in the Cayman Islands work on the preservation, promotion and enhancement of Caymaian Creole.

CINA operates an Oral History Programme which contributes to the preservation of the Caymanian dialect. The programme was established in the mid 1980’s, driven by the desire to record and preserve Caymanian cultural identity. The audio recordings now form one of the richest collections of Caymanian dialect. Along with the audio recordings, a working glossary of unfamiliar/dialect terms is maintained to give meaning to words unique to Cayman and the region. Additionally, CINA has a Reference Library Collection consisting of, but not limited to, published and unpublished linquistical materials pertaining to the Caymanian dialect. The Collections at CINA are open and accessible to the public.

The Caymanian dialect is an English dialect however the nuances, melodies and particular speech patterns of colloquial Cayman speech form a dialect that is unique and at times taken as a foreign language, especially when listening to older generations and according to the speed of speech. I have attached an excerpt from the publication Wotcha Say: An Introduction to Colloguial Caymanian by author Aarona Booker Kohlman that provides an understanding of this; Ms. Booker Kohlman lived on the island of Grand Cayman in the 1920s. There is a difference in dialect between the three Cayman Islands (Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman) as well as within each island district.

In 2008 and in January this year, local author Kevin Gorin published two books entitled “Cayman Islands Dictionary” and “Caymanian Expressions Cayman”, respectively, dedicated to preserving, enhancing and promoting Caymanian colloquialism. Mr. Goring can be contacted through his business Ambission http://ambission.com/our-founder/. CINA was one of the resources Mr. Gorin used while researching for his project.

Other than CNCF, it can be said that some of the media houses help to preserve and promote Caymanian dialect. In particular, Radio Cayman http://www.radiocayman.gov.ky/, the local government radio station, who produces some commercials using ‘traditional caymanian characters and dialect’ as well as local cultural and historical programming. Again, CINA has been a source of information, in particular the audio recordings from the oral history programme for certain historical programmes and public service announcements.

I have consulted Mr. Gorin’s dictionary to translate the terms you are seeking:

– „Cayman Islands“ – kay-mahn eye-lan’s
– „George Town“ – Jorge town
– „Cayman Brac“ – kay-mahn brack
– „Grand Cayman“ – gran kay-mahn
-„Little Cayman“ – lill kay-mahn
– „The Bluff“ – da blah’f
– „Bodden Town“ – baw-din town
– „East End“ – eece-tend
– „Northside“ – nawr-syde,
– „Sister Islands“ sis-ta eye-lahn’s
– „West Bay“ – wess bay
– „Cayman Islanders“ – kay-mahn eye-lahn-da’s
– „Caymanain“ (adjective) as a noun: kay-mahn-yun
– „Cayman Creole (English)“kay-mahn kreh-ole
– „Legislative Assembly“ – leh-giss-layte-tiv ah-sem-leh
– „Constitution Day“ –kon-sta-tu-shun
– „Beloved Isle Cayman“ (title and text) – bah-loowe’d isle kay-mahn
– „Premier“ – pri-mare
– „Governor“- guv-nah
– „United Democratic Party“ – yoo-ni-tid deh-mo-kra-tik par-eh
– „People’s Progressive Movement“ – peh-pul pro-gre-siv moo-ment


I hope the above is helpful and should you require additional assistance please feel free to contact me again.


Warm regards,

Tricia S. Bodden (Mrs.)

Cayman Islands National Archive
Telephone: +1 345 949 9809
Direct: +1 345 244 6556
Fax: +1 345 949 9727
Email: Tricia.Bodden@gov.ky

37 Archive Lane, P.O. Box 10160, Grand Cayman KY1-1002, CAYMAN ISLANDS

Betreff:Re: dhurga
Datum:Mon, 23 Jan 2023 07:08:42 +0000
Von:Kerry Boyenga <KERRY.BOYENGA@det.nsw.edu.au>
An:Sebastian Becker <mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com>
walawaani Sebastian,
Thank you for your email. I have had a look and understood the website as best I can. 
I have a couple of corrections for you! I think you have taken your information soley from Jutta Besolds Thesis and we have consulted other Linguists since her thesis and there is a change to the phonetic system which is evident in the dhurga Dictionary and Grammar Guide.
Number 1 – there are 24 dhurga phonemes and you have only included 21 and they are:
a  aa b d dh dj g i ii l m n nh ng nj r rd rl rn rr u uu w y.
Number 2 – As dhurga is not a written language (it is an oral language) there are no capital letters or any kind of punctuation. Hence dhurga is written without a capital ‚D‘.
Thank you for all of your hard work.
It is fantastic seeing our 23 years of hard work researching, reclaiming and publishing the language in this format.
Kerry Boyenga
Aboriginal Language Teacher
Ph: 0412274326

I acknowledge the Brinja and Walbanja Yuin people, past, present and those of the future. They are the Traditional Custodians of the land where I belong.


 RE: Norfolk anthem


 Wed, 4 Sep 2013 18:06:18 +1130


 Milton Bradley <mjbradley@ni.net.nf>

Antwort an:



 ‚Sebastian Becker‘ <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>


Hi Sebastian,

Norfolk Island has the same National Anthem as Great Britain i.e., God Save the Queen

Even being a Self Governing Territory under the protection of Australia we still retain the National Anthem of Gt, Britain.

The Australian National Anthem is not applicable for Norfolk Island.

For the Commonwealth Games , The Pacific Games, Oceania National Olympic Committees and for use at all ceremonies on Norfolk Island.

I hope this will assist, as for when it was adopted I am reliably informed that this anthem has been used since before WW I.

I hope this will assist with your research and would be more than happy to provide additional information


Regards Milt


Milton Bradley
Secretary General
Norfolk Island Amateur Sports & Commonwealth Games Association
Norfolk Island
South Pacific


Norfolk Island Pacific Games Association
Oceania National Olympic Committees (Associate Member)

Betreff:Alphabets kibushi / shimaore
Datum:Sun, 13 Nov 2022 12:06:06 +0300
Von:jean-philippe brandon <jeanphilippebrandon2@gmail.com>
An:mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com, Njeri Brandon <njeri.brandon@gmail.com>, pitsuri.gaucher@gmail.com



suite à votre demande, voici ci-joint les alphabets du shimaore et du kibushi en caractères latins et arabes.
Jean-Philippe BRANDON
Betreff:Re: Demande du mahorias et di kibushi
Datum:Tue, 25 Oct 2022 15:58:00 +0200
Von:Njeri Brandon <njeri.brandon@gmail.com>
An:Sebastian Becker <mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com>
Kopie (CC):A Jean-philippe <jeanphilippebrandon2@gmail.com>


Je vous envoie ci-joint un document avec l’alphabet du shimaore et du kibushi. Je n’ai pas la version exploitable des tableaux de guide de prononciation, et cela me prendrait trop de temps pour recopier… j’espère que ça peut vous servir.
Njeri L. Brandon
+262 639 29 15 45


 AW: Jan Mayen


 Wed, 15 Jun 2016 07:39:43 +0000


 Salten tingrett (postmottak) <saltpost@domstol.no>


 ‚Sebastian Becker‘ <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>


Geehrter herr Becker,

Amtsgericht Salten (Salten tingrett) hat die Rechtskompetenz für Jan Mayen, das dokument von Appelationsgericht Hålogaland (Hålogaland lagmannsrett) enthält deswegen ein fehler (Nord-Troms hat die Rechtskompetenz für Svalbard).

Appelationsgericht Hålogaland ist ganz richtig das Appelationsgericht für Jan Mayen.


Mit freündlichen grüssen

Olav Breivik


Amtsgericht Salten


 Re: Norfolk Island anthem


 Sun, 06 Jan 2019 07:12:47 +1100


 NI Bowling Club <bowlingclub@ninet.nf>


 Sebastian Becker <mail.sebastian.becker@gmail.com>


Hi Sebastian,

If you Google „Norfolk Island Local Anthem“ you will find all the information you need. Its called the Pitcairn Anthem („Come Ye Blessed“) and there is a link where you can find the lyrics and the composer is also listed.

I hope this information has been helpful to you.


Kind regards

Leslie Buffett


Norfolk Island Bowling Club


 RE: BAT Administrator


 Tue, 11 Feb 2014 14:44:19 +0000






Dear Mr Becker,

Thank you for your enquiry.

I am happy to say that I am the Administrator for the British Antarctic Territory and I was appointed in January 2012. The Administrator is appointed directly by the BAT Commissioner.

The office is the Polar Regions Department in London.

As there is no permanent population in the Territory there is no Parliament or similar body. All decisions are taken by the Commissioner and his officials, consulting as appropriate with relevant stakeholders.

Website for the BAT is here: https://www.gov.uk/government/world/british-antarctic-territory and contains further details. Although I am not endorsing all the information within it, the Wikipedia page on BAT is also generally along the right lines.

The British Antarctic Survey website provides considerable detail about British scientific activity in the region and beyond: http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/

I hope this gives you what you are looking for.


With best wishes


Henry Burgess | Deputy Head | Polar Regions Department | Foreign and Commonwealth Office | London SW1A 2AH | Email: henry.burgess@fco.gov.uk | Tel: +44 (0)20 7008 2616 l Mob: +44 (0)7785 608330 www.fco.gov.uk


 RE: Falkland Islands


 Wed, 12 Oct 2016 03:37:05 +0000


 Chris Butler <CButler@police.gov.fk>


 Sebastian Becker <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>


Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for your email.

Residency status and all relevant documentation is dealt with by Falkland Islands Customs & Immigration.

Driving licences and vehicle registration numbers are issued by the Royal Falkland Islands Police.

Both entities are departments of the Falkland Islands Government.

There is no distinctive BOTC passport for the Falkland Islands. British citizens in the Falkland Islands are issued with the same passport as British citizens living in the United Kingdom.


Best regards


Chris Butler
Police Constable 577
Royal Falkland Islands Police
Ross Road
Falkland Islands FIQQ 1ZZ

Telephone: 0500 28100
Email: cbutler@police.gov.fk


 Re: Translation


 Sun, 21 Feb 2016 21:05:58 +0100


 Dale Buttigieg <llanito@llanitollanito.com>


 Sebastian Becker <sebastianbecker@freenet.de>


Hi Sebastian,

I’m so sorry for the late reply,

You can say, hai, ola, kè pasa?, kè ai? (more formal)

Sorry again for the delay,



Dale Buttigieg


Privataktivist zum Erhalt „Llanito“
